Robert Bechtle

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Example of Robert Bechtle Painting Style (1971)


Robert Bechtle (born 1932)

Robert Bechtle born in 1932, also works under the name Robert Alan Bechtle. He is an American artist who is principally associated with the Bay Area art scene. Many of his works depict this area, using a combination of photography and painting that are the hallmark of the unique artistic style and vision of the artist.

Robert Bechtle started his career with a distinct interest in Abstract Expressionism. Later, he would incorporate photography into his style as a means to both move the art world and his personal art forward. His work is often described as “painting from photographs”.

The influence of Pop art on his work is apparent in the elegant yet somewhat humorous renderings of the banal landscapes of suburban America. This juxtaposition of the everyday and commonplace executed with the height of artistic creativity goes all the way back to the Dutch masters who often painted the staid, predictable existence of their comfortable classes with undeniable technical and aesthetic mastery.

Robert Bechtle is a native of San Francisco and his studies were conducted principally in his home state, at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland and then at the University of California at Berkeley. His work is highly-regarded among modern practitioners.